Back to agenda AutomotionFood & Beverage+1 The Challenges of Prescriptive Maintenance to Explore Thu 10 Apr | 16:40 - 17:20 Main Auditorium LEITAT Prescriptive maintenance has become a key tool for anticipating problems and optimizing processes in the industry. However, there are still many challenges to be solved. In this session we will explore current barriers, from integrating technologies to real-time data analysis, and share strategies to overcome these difficulties. An opportunity to discuss and learn about how to take industrial maintenance to the next level. Speakers Javier Martínez Pérez MRO Solutions Engineer Schaeffler Iberia David López Maganto Sisteplant José María Montserrat Aguadé Advanced Processes Director Repsol Abelardo Oropeza Palacios Sales Manager Fracttal Moderators Manuel Jarrega Dominguez AEM Asociación Española de Mantenimiento