Back to agenda AutomotionFood & Beverage+1 Quadrupeds in industrial processes Tue 08 Apr | 15:30 - 15:50 Auditorium DASSAULT SYSTÈMS Premium VIP Pass The incorporation of quadrupedal robots in industrial environments is revolutionizing the way inspections, maintenance, and operations are performed in complex environments. These advanced autonomous mobility systems allow access to hard-to-reach areas, collect real-time data and improve safety in the factory. In this session, we will explore success stories and real applications where quadrupeds have optimized operational efficiency, reducing costs and risks in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, and logistics. Speakers Màrius Male Rosas Carburos Metálicos Mireia Riera Serdà Sales Director | Vicepresident Keybotic | AMETIC Moderators Alex Salvador Ávila Managing Director AER Automation